NewsHow Mailafiya Deceived The Public, And Shocked The DSS |The Source

How Mailafiya Deceived The Public, And Shocked The DSS |The Source


By Adesina Soyooye & Uche Mbah

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Anybody who listened as the former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Dr Obediah Mailafiya, struggled to pronounce the word, collaboration, on Channels Television, would know that something was wrong. He had lost self confidence with which he spoke on the Radio station which triggered his invitation to the Directorate of State Services. He was no longer sure-footed. He was stuttering.

It was on the Television’s 7.00pm news, just before the Politics Today program. Mailafia had just been released, on bail, from the DSS, Jos office, where he was grilled for about six hours, over a scary interview he granted to a radio station.


He had scared Nigerians in that interview by alleging many things, including, but not limited to:

*A Nigerian Governor in the North being a Boko Haram Commander.

*Arms and ammunition being air-lifted by the sect, during the lockdown, and dropped at different locations, nationwide.

*That the second phase of the Boko Haram insurgency would be the invading of cities and the killing of important Nigerians.

*That the sect would kick off a civil war in Nigeria in 2022.

He said he got his information from repented top Commanders of the Boko Haram, who he had discussed with – not once, not twice. He put his credibility as an Oxford University trained Ph.D holder in the line.

For airing the interview, now classified as hate speech, the Radio station, Nigeria Info 99.3 FM,  was fined a whopping five million Naira.

When Mailafia came out on bail, he had the need to address the many people waiting for him in front of the DSS office,  asking for his release.

Given the weight of his allegations, those waiting for him were not expecting his release that day. Which explain why his wife was, already, soliciting the help of the international community, and some elder statesmen, to intervene on behalf of her husband.

But the face of the DSS has been changing in the past one year plus. It gets more decent than the DSS of old, day by day.  Even he confirmed it. He said he was treated with respect. He said the officers were decent and their discussion with him civil.

So, addressing the people outside, he admitted he was wrong. He said he does realise (now) that he ought to have collaborated (he struggled with its pronouncuation) a couple of things he said in the interview he granted.

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Meaning he must have said so to the DSS and apologised.

He condemned the killings going on in all parts of Nigeria, the North, in particular, and his “beloved Southern Kaduna”, especially.

Southern Kaduna has become the very ugly face of Nigeria’s killing field.

Then, the former CBN D.G. began to double-speak. He said he stood by what he told the radio station. The next day, that made news, and overshadowed what he said about not confirming his information.

The question many asked was: How could he have admitted, in one breath, that he did not collaborate his information, that he should have, and in another breath, insist he stood by them.

Confusing? Definitely.

This apparently angered the DSS which may not have wanted to make public their discussion with him.

The Service was compelled to issue a Press Statement, disclosing a bit of what transpired, inside, between them which are:

*He apologised to the DSS, profusely, for what the Service described as his irresponsible interview.

*He could not substantiate any of his allegations.

*And contrary to his boast that he spoke to repented Boko Haram Commanders, he told those grilling him that he spoke to Farmers.

*That his information came from farmers.

The DSS, in the release, signed on its behalf by Spokesperson, Dr Peter Afunanya, said the Service was disappointed that somebody, of his status, came out to start playing to the gallery, instead of speaking the truth. The Service emphasised the Malaifia, at his level, has access to the leadership of Security Agencies, and should have confided in him.

The Service gave a stern warning that such behaviours or unfounded utterances, meant to destabilise the Country, will no longer be condoned,  as his utterances were part of the plan by some people, for which the DSS had  alerted the public earlier on, to destabilise Nigeria.

The statement reads:

“On 27th July, 2020, the Department of State Services (DSS) alerted the nation about desperate efforts by some notable personalities to use their exalted positions; take advantage of developments in the country and cause a total breakdown of law and order. It also revealed that part of the orchestrations was to engage in divisive acts as well as use inciting statements to pit one group against another.

“With latest occurrences in the country, Nigerians may have no reason to doubt the Service’s earlier pronouncement. Dr. Obadiah Mailafiya’s recent outburst aimed at playing to the gallery and creating unnecessary tension is a confirmation of his group’s desperation to breach the peace.

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“Mailafiya, as a former Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and currently, a Directing Staff at Nigeria’s foremost Policy Research Institute, the National Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS), Kuru, has unhindered access to government platforms. It is expected that he should be conversant with official information management protocols.

“But regrettably, he chose to cross the lines of decorum and conduct expected of a personality of his status. It is disappointing that he never took advantage of these to reach any of the security or related agencies to share the so called information at his disposal. This, he has agreed to be a grievous error on his part. It, however, suggests his mischief and determination to use the fake news he spewed to incite the people under his control.

” It is even more condemnable that Mailafiya, who had profusely apologized during his visit to the Service’s Plateau State Command for his ignoble statement, would, afterwards, announce to the world that he stood by his misguided eruption.

“Similarly, the Service also wishes to warn others, who in the guise of political mobilization and supposed pursuit of group interests, engage in hostile and subversive activities, to desist forthwith from advancing their inimical and parochial causes.

“The Service will not stand idly and watch disgruntled and aggrieved elements take laws into their hands and cause mayhem in the polity.

“In line with its mandate of detecting and preventing threats and crimes against the internal security of Nigeria, the Service hereby reiterates its previous warning that it will henceforth not condone unruly conducts of persons and groups that ought to know better.

“In this regard, it will not hesitate to, within the confines of the law, decisively deal with such persons and/or groups, no matter how highly placed, that may wish to test its resolve. It will, nonetheless, continue to support participatory democracy in the country and therefore urges all players to abide by the rules of the game.

“On the other hand, the Service implores law abiding citizens to go about their normal businesses without fear. It assures them of protection and pledges to strengthen existing  measures designed to achieve this objective.”

Meanwhile, the Northern Governors Forum is not taking, lightly, the allegations made by Mailafia. In a reaction, its Chairman, Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong, says the NGF, insists on an investigation into Mailafia’s allegations.

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The Forum wants him to prove them, especially, the bit about one of them,  who he alleges is a Book Haram Commander.

Malaifia is likely to be invited again, by the DSS, if an investigation is carried out as requested by the NGF.

Meanwhile, ,there is a social media uproar over the  five million Naira fine  imposed on a Radio station, Nigeria Info FM 99.3, by the National Broadcasting Commission, for airing Maiyafia’s interview.

Many described the action as illegal, since the law establishing the Commission did not give it the power to impose fines.  It appears more like appropriating the functions of the National assembly.

The uproar that greeted the action was more of condemnation of the Commission, with the former Vice President , Atiku Abubakar, saying the fine on Nigeria Info radio was a “threat to an evolving democracy like Nigeria’s.” Many view the move as a backdoor attempt to bring back Decree 2, through the back door.

The Minister of Information and Culture had approved the raise of the penalty for hate speech from N500, 000 to N5 million, with notable people like Prof Wole Soyinka, saying it is draconian.

According to the regulatory body, Nigeria Info 99.3FM was fined N5 million for “providing its platform to be used to promote unverifiable and inciting views that can incite crime, public disorder.”

They cited the alleged unprofessional conduct of  the media house in the handling of the programme, “Morning Cross Fire”, aired on Monday between 8.30 am and 9.00 am.

“Dr Mailafia Obadia’s comments on the ‘Southern Kaduna Crisis’ was devoid of facts and by broadcasting same to the public, Nigeria Info 99.3FM is in violation of the following sections of Nigeria Broadcasting Code: 3.1.1 No broadcast shall encourage or incite to crime, lead to public disorder or hate, be repugnant to public feelings or contain offensive reference to any person or organization, alive or dead or generally be disrespectful to human dignity,” the NBC said in a statement.

The National Broadcasting Commission Board has, however, distanced itself from the amendment of the code, insisting it was ‘erroneously’ done by the Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed.

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