NewsAbia 2023: CNPP Condemns PDP On Zoning, Warns of Consequences

Abia 2023: CNPP Condemns PDP On Zoning, Warns of Consequences


Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) has strongly condemned what it described as the bizarre zoning arrangement of the governorship seat in Abia State by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), warning that “there are, as always, dare consequences of jettisoning equity in any political arrangement.”

The State  PDP had on Saturday, announced the zoning of the party’s governorship ticket to Abia Central and Abia North Senatorial Districts with the excuse that both zones have the highest number of aspirants for the number one position.


However, the CNPP, in a statement signed by its Secretary General, Chief Willy Ezugwu, frowned at the zoning arrangement, wondering how two senatorial districts would produce the next Governor of Abia State.

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The CNPP maintained that “if past zoning arrangements were never lumped up, why now?

“Since it is unarguable that Abia South and Abia Central have taken their turns to produce a Governor  of the state, equity demands that Abia North should be allowed to take their turn in 2023.

“Zoning the governorship seat to two, out of three senatorial districts, is ill-thought as it is illogical. If for any reason the zoning arrangement is to be changed, it should justly be after the turn of Abia North.

“The CNPP, hereby calls all opposition parties in Abia State to take advantage of the current abnormal zoning by the PDP to capture the state by towing the path of equity and ensuring that all the senatorial district have a sense of belonging.

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“Our democracy can only blossom in an atmosphere of justice and fairplay as no state, or country can evenly develop in the face of injustice, whether perceived or real”, the CNPP warned.

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