NewsCrimeTragedy, As Soldier Shoots And Kills Self In Front Of Military Barracks...

Tragedy, As Soldier Shoots And Kills Self In Front Of Military Barracks In Abia


By Suleiman Anyalewechi

With the 14 Brigade of the Nigerian Army Ohafia in Abia State still smarting from the gruesome killing of five  of its personnel on May 30 at a military checkpoint at  Obikabia junction by yet to be identified gunmen, tragedy again struck on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.


But the difference: This particular tragedy was self-inflicted. A soldier attached to the 144 battalion Osisioma, in Aba, Command,  Sergeant Major CSM Vitalis  shot and killed himself in front of the formation’s gate.

Vitalis  hailed from Okpala in Ngor-Okpala Council of Imo state was, until the  tragic incident ,reportedly went missing for over two weeks.

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According to a source, the deceased left his duty post ,with nobody able to explain his whereabouts throughout the period.

However, he was  said to have reappeared suddenly on same day that he shot and killed himself, leaving his bewildered colleagues in deep shock as to what led him in to such an action.

Another source revealed that the suicide act is all the more shocking going by the fact that the deceased soldier was to retire from service in four months time after a long period of unblemished record of service. He was believed to be eagerly waiting for his October 2024 retirement date.

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Curiously, according to some close sources ,there were no known domestic and/or profession related  issues about the deceased, before his disappearance and subsequent suicide.

As at the time of reporting, the Military authorities were yet to react to the incident.

But this Magazine gathered that the Military hierarchy will soon issue an official statement after the conclusion of preliminary investigation into the circumstances surrounding the sad development .

With no known possible reasons for the deceased soldier’s action, the military is said to be cautious about officially reacting without adequate information.

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