FeaturesLife & Style"General's Son Stöle Wife's N35m Wristwatch, Not Dismissed Female Soldier", Veteran Soldier...

“General’s Son Stöle Wife’s N35m Wristwatch, Not Dismissed Female Soldier”, Veteran Soldier Alleges


By Gideon Njoku

Angry reactions have followed the dismissal, by the Nigerian Army of a female soldier, Lance Cpl Jonah Comfort.


Jonah, 15NA/74/4422, was dismissed by the Army on May 17, 2024, on the allegation that she stole a gold wristwatch belonging to the wife of the Commander, 9th Brigade, Nigerian Army under whom she was working.

She, allegedly, stole the wristwatch worth N35m, and sold it to a “Mallam” for the sum of N5m. Subsequently, Jonah was arrested, tried, paraded, dismissed and handed over to the Police. Currently, she is in Police detention.

But the story has irked a number of people, including the dismissed soldier’s colleagues. They say Jonah was framed, and the truth hidden from the public so as to  protect the Commander’s wife and son. They say that Jonah was a tea girl attached to the Commander’s office, who was “reduced to a domestic servant in his house.” They allege that the wristwatch was stolen by the Senior Army officer’s son, who Jonah innocently introduced to a buyer when the officer’s son approached her and asked if she knew of a buyer, without knowing that the boy stole his mother’s wristwatch.

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They allege that the dismissed soldier only introduced the General’s son to a buyer and was not privy to their discussion and how much the wristwatch was sold. They emphasized that she, also, did not know he stole the wristwatch. They also allege that the true story is being covered so that questions will not be asked as to how the General’s wife, a full time housewife, was able to own a gold wristwatch which worth is N35m and which was auctioned, allegedly by his son for N5m. They are asking for a full investigation into the sordid affair, justice for Jonah and threatening to go to court if the truth is not made public.

One of those incensed by the dismissal of Jonah, Abudu Akinolola Olumayowa, a retired Combat Engineer, at a press conference he addressed condemned what he described as Jonah’s  humiliation by the Army and said he wanted to set the record straight

Following is the full text of the Press Conference.

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“It has come to my attention that a distorted and malicious narrative has been circulating regarding15NA/74/4422 Lance Cpl Jonah Comfort, a tea girl to 9brigade Commander.

“As a person familiar with the true series of events, I find it imperative to set the record straight and shed light on the actual course of events that transpired.

Contrary to the fabricated story,

“Lance Cpl Jonah Comfort was wrongfully accused, tried, and dismissed from the Nigerian Army for an alleged theft of a gold wristwatch belonging to the wife of 9brigade Commander.

“The truth is that Comfort merely acted as an intermediary between the Officer’s son and a buyer for the wristwatch.

“In reality, the Officer’s son, unbeknownst to her parents, sought to sell a wristwatch that belonged to her mother. Upon learning of Comfort’s acquaintance with a buyer, the daughter approached her, and Comfort, acting in good faith, connected the two parties. The son and the buyer independently negotiated and completed the transaction without any involvement from Comfort beyond the initial introduction.

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“Tragically, instead of addressing the delinquent behavior of their son, the Officer and his wife chose to misuse their positions of authority to shift the blame onto Comfort.

“The wristwatch’s disappearance was deceitfully linked to Comfort, leading to her arrest, and ultimately, her unjust dismissal on May 17, 2024.

“Comfort’s family, friends, and colleagues are still utterly shocked and dismayed by this miscarriage of justice.

“Many firmly believe that “something must have gone wrong somewhere” for such a gross manipulation of the truth to occur.

“This egregious misuse of power not only harms Comfort’s reputation but undermines the integrity of the entire Nigerian Army


“In the interest of justice and fairness, I implore you to reconsider this case and launch an impartial investigation into the matter.

“It is crucial that Comfort’s name be cleared, and those responsible for the fabrication of this story be held accountable.

“Thank you for taking the time to consider this urgent matter. I trust that you will prioritize the truth and work towards ensuring that justice prevails.”

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