NewsEbiseni, Defeated Ondo PDP Gov Aspirant, Set To Dump Party

Ebiseni, Defeated Ondo PDP Gov Aspirant, Set To Dump Party


By Ayodele Oni

One of the defeated governorship aspirants of People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in Ondo state, Sola Ebiseni, is set to decamp.


Ebiseni, a former Commissioner, has promised the people of the State particularly his supporters that his name will be on the ballot come November 16th Governorship election.

Popularly called ONE by the acronym of his name, Ebiseni revealed his intention to contest on the banner of another major Political Party during a Thank-You-Get Together party for Campaign Coordinators and supporters across the State at his Alagbaka-Akure residence.

According to Ebiseni, “politics is an art of the possible, the goal of which is acquisition of power for the development of humanity and society” adding I am not done with the aspiration to serve the people of Ondo State.

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Speaking further on his political trajectory, Chief Ebiseni who was elected Chairman Ilaje-Ese-Odo local government in 1991 said he was during the period the Coordinator for the Presidential campaign of Chief Olu Falae in the Local Government which was inherited by Chief MKO Abiola as part of his Hope ’93 campaign structure anchored on the “Farewell To Poverty Programme.”

On the recent gubernatorial primaries of the PDP where he was a leading aspirant, Ebiseni said he bore no grudges about the roles played by any political actor.

Ebiseni said “I have a right to vote and to be voted, but not a right to the obligation of anyone to vote for me. Because of this I appreciate all that voted for me and those that did not vote for me are not my enemies.

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“Therefore, I plead with my supporters not to make an enemy of anyone that chose not to vote for me because what binds most of us together is more than politics.

“I may be surprised but did not feel betrayed because I have always known that everyone’s action is dictated by his interest. Therefore, unlike Julius Ceaser, I have no reason to say etu Brute.”

Ebiseni who may soon be unveiling a new platform for his gubernatorial project said he is well prepared for the task and have the political experience and requisite capacities to deliver.

According to him, “in the last primaries, we were motivated by our experience in the governance of the state, the knowledge of its territory and people. God gave us enough resources as we set on this journey.”

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He has promised to lead and abandon us, even at the Red Sea, He has given us the staff to divide it and move to the promised land”

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